Saturday, September 22, 2007

My New Book!!!

At last, my second book is out!

It's entitled "The Journey Towards Sustainability," and features stories of NGOs from the Philippines whom we have provided technical support to diversify their revenue base, enhance their management systems, improve governance process and increase impact.

Below is the blurb written at the back cover of the book:

One of the toughest issues facing NGOs in the 21st century is sustainability. With the demise of even financially stable NGOs in many parts of the world, the traditional view of sustainability being equated with having adequate financial resources is increasingly challenged. While it is indeed crucial to NGOs’ survival, financial resources alone could not make an NGO sustainable. This book argues for a broader view of sustainability to include the following dimensions:

Organizational Viability: The ability of an organization to fulfill its mission and vision and maintain its organizational strength by taking into consideration the effectiveness of the organizational systems, strategies, governance, leadership, management, and relationships with the external environment.

Financial Security: Pertains to the ability to continuously generate stable and diversified revenues through proper resource management to meet organizational goals and objectives as effectively and efficiently possible.

Program Effectiveness: The ability to provide quality services to target clients, expand scope of services and client base, increase or maintain demand for services and ensure that program objectives are met.

Enduring Impact: Relates to the process of empowering target clients and engaging them in organizational processes by institutionalizing changes in behavior, developing community capacities, creating a sense of ownership and social capital.

Narrated in this book are stories of nine NGOs from the Philippines who struggled and experimented on a variety of ways to become sustainable. What strategies did they utilize? What results were generated? What difficulties did they encounter? What lessons can be drawn from their experiences? These questions are answered through each NGO’s story about their journey towards sustainability.

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